Teeth Extractions

      At Lovin Dental office, we always make every attempt to treat your teeth and remedy any dental malady.

      Unfortunately, in some cases damage to teeth is in so advanced a stage that is may be necessary to extract the tooth in order to maintain dental health.

      If a tooth is broken, cracked or extensively decayed it may be necessary to remove it.

      Likewise, a tooth that is associated with advanced stages of periodontal disease should be removed, as well as teeth that are poorly positioned or non-functional.

      Whatever the cause, you can rest assured that Dr. Mirtaj will carefully explore and inform you to any other options before making the decision to remove a tooth.

      When a tooth or teeth cannot be saved and need to be extracted, you can be assured that Dr. Mirtaj has the expertise required, instruments and technology to perform this procedure in a non-traumatic way.

      We understand that the process of having a tooth extracted can be daunting and make every attempt to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.